How To Master Outsourcing Everything – FINAL VIDEO

Wow, this launch is going fast! It’s GO TIME already! You can now get in on the Early Bird list!

John Reese just put the FINAL VIDEO in the “Outsource Force” series online!

Here it is:

And you don’t have to enter your email address to view this video. You can just watch it!

When he created this video series, he said he wanted to really CHALLENGE PEOPLE to think differently about their business.

(He definitely did that!)

He even tells the story of him taking a job, outsourcing it for $300, and turning that into a multi-million dollar business! In fact, in just 5 short months, his website for that business was one of the top 500 most visited website in the world! Amazing story.

The people online that are having the majority of the success all have one thing in common…

They OUTSOURCE. And they do it OFTEN.

John made it clear when he stated…

There are TWO ways to build a successful online business:

1. You do all the work yourself

2. You pay others to do it for you

Since we’re now living in a Global Economy, John is able to show you where you can hire people for only $300/month for full-time work, and they are happy with that pay.

So now no one has anymore EXCUSES why they aren’t making great progress in their online business.

John received over 2,000 COMMENTS on these videos, and it’s obviously clear that they have HELPED soooo many people around the world to think about their business in a different way.

He has systemized a way of doing business that can truly reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed, and put the FUN back into having your own successful online business.

But there’s so much more to “Outsourcing” than John could share in this video series, and he wants to tell you what you need to do to MASTER IT.

So go now and watch the final video for all the details:

My Outsource Force Bonus

As I am sure you know, the above links are my affiliate links to the fourth and final video of the launch of Outsource Force. If you choose to buy Outsource Force via may affiliate link, then I will give you the following bonuses:

  • I’ll show you a secret trick that I used to get over 2 Million views on my Youtube channel. Anyone can do it. It’s very easy to do. I’ll give you videos showing you exactly how I did it.
  • I’ll show you how I built a following on Twitter of over 6000 followers on autopilot, and it’s still increasing to this day. I barely touch the account. Even if you have a big following on Twitter, would your following increase or decrease if you took a week off from tweeting? Mine will always increase no matter what I do, and I will show you exactly how I set it up.
  • I’ll give you a call on mp3 that I did with a guy who built a list of over 17,000 people on his Facebook page all with free traffic within a span of a few months
  • I’ll show you exactly how to set up a WordPress blog, one that is installed on your hosting account, by the way. And I’ll show you how to make it a search engine magnet.
  • I’ll show you how to set up your autoresponder. You can look right over my shoulder while I walk you through setting up your email campaign, as well as setting up an opt-in form on your new blog.

Here are the rules for my Outsource Force Bonus

It’s pretty simple…you must use my affiliate link to buy Outsource Force in May of 2010. I must get paid in full by John Reese for your Outsource Force purchase. Some of the bonus items will be delivered when I receive the buyer’s list from John Reese, others will be delivered later, and I reserve the right to modify my offer in any way I deem necessary, including giving you more cool stuff than I promised. 😉

As I said earlier, you don’t need to enter your email address to watch the video, but if you are at all interested, even in the SLIGHTEST bit, then I HIGHLY suggest that you sign up for the VIP Early Bird List so you will be notified of it going live earlier than everyone else. That way you have a chance of getting in on this coaching program, because there are over 40,000 people who have expressed interest in this program, and John stated that once it gets to a number where he thinks the program will work optimally, then he will close the doors of this program with little or no warning. So it really is in your best interest to sign up for the early bird list. It doesn’t cost you anything, and it GUARANTEES you a spot in the coaching program if you want it.

Here’s my affiliate link to the video. John’s story alone of how he outsourced a job for $300, and then turned it into a multi-million dollar business is worth the time to watch the video!


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